Accredited Dental Assistant Programs Are Important

When it comes time to get your career training underway, you’ll want to be sure that the dental assistant program you select is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation. Additionally, you will want to ensure that the US Department of Education recognizes the program.

Become a dental assistant

When it comes time to get financial aid to help cover your school costs, only accredited dental assistant programs qualify for state and federal financial aid. Additionally, if the program isn’t accredited then you may not qualify for scholarship money. Without money from scholarships and financial aid, the cost of dental assistant training may be out of reach for most people.

If you’re planning to become a certified dental assistant later on, you’ll have to have a degree, certificate or diploma from an accredited dental assistant program in order to meet the program qualifications. It would be a shame to spend time and money getting a certificate that you cannot use later. If your certificate is not from an accredited dental assistant program and you decide to become a certified dental assistant later on then you’ll have to pay to go back to class and spend the time going through an accredited program later on. It’s better to kill two birds with one stone now that have to redo everything later on.

Additionally, when it comes time to get a job most dentists will be looking for applicants who have been through an accredited program so that they will know the potential dental assistants have been carefully trained with quality, industry standard information.

Become a dental assistant